Thursday 3 June 2010

Twittering with Topsy

Have you used Topsy yet?
Firstly what is it and how useful is it for twitter followers!

Topsy is a fairly new tool for twitter, it allows you to see all tweets with relevant keywords e.g. Bournemouth, Graphic Design. It has taken the #hashtag principle one step further and provided a directory, not based upon a tag asssociated with a #symbol, but with any keyword within a tweet. As for how useful this is, that is a decision for each ARE Creative we use Topsy to see what is going on in areas of interest to us and our business.

Another smart tool that could benefit your business or personal tweeting. Go here for more information

Worth a read...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They've been at this for quite some time really. It's only been somewhat recently that they have focused on data from Twitter (last year or so?) The concept, and what makes them different, remains the same though -- calculating influence based on a social graph of "trust". Glad to see that more people are finding it useful.

Disclaimer: I've worked with them in the past.