Monday 26 April 2010

Merging 2 Photos in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Merging photos into a collage is not used much nowadays, it can be perceived as being old-fashioned. For an illustration we loved the image to the right, the man standing on the cliff top makes a dramatic impression. The left hand side of the image looks bare in comparison so we have added mountains to that side to in the shape of the image to the left.

By merging photos, we can create a much richer image, that looks the way we want it to. The finished photo looks much more balanced.

1 comment:

james George said...

It is truly amazing what you can do in Photoshop. You can't always find exactly what you are looking for, but sometimes you can find two images that will work well together to create the look you are going for. Using masks and blending in Photoshop can really create some convincing effects and imagery. A great skill and handy indeed.