Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Navigating Without A Map?

When you own or manage a small business, it isn't about location but direction,direction, direction. One of the most common reasons for a business to fail is the lack of it, no purpose, game plan or agenda. It takes a strong business owner to step back from how 'things have always been done' and look at new ways to achieve strong business relationships and generate profit. Clinging to past history is a natural reaction, but can spell suicide in our present economy. How often do you question the relevance of your branding, analyse changes in market trends or explore new opportunities for business development. When did you last send a survey or talk to your customers about their perceptions of your business?

Recently I received a call from a friend with a fantastic business in Australia who was considering rebranding it - after much discussion it turned out that was the only option he thought he had left. He had burned out and so had his business but it wasn't due to the branding itself, rather the lessening direction he, as a business owner, was sharing with his employees. They all felt that by changing name and logo, not to be considered lightly, that would give them a 'kickstart' into the coming year......

He hadn't talked to his very loyal customers to see how they viewed the service his company was providing, he had not looked at how he could diversify his business to absorb new trends in the marketplace, he had chosen to cling to the past ways of trading and expect that a fresh brand would allow him to continue as he had always done.

Do you have a plan for the next 10 months that will see your business thrive and grow?
Where will your next business venture materialise from?

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